TomTom ONE XL + Case + Traffic + European Maps

by Techno News | 11/09/2008 03:00:00 AM in |

Price: £129.99

Plug & Go - works straight out of the box, Large 4.3" high quality touchscreen, Easy-to-use navigation: with user-friendly menu and TomTom's award winning software, Portable, light and easy to handle, Find your location quicker than ever before with TomTom's free QuickGPSfix software, Fast route calculation and re-routing if roadblocks occur, Large choice of routes - including quickest, shortest, and avoiding toll roads and congestion charge areas, Convenient postcode navigation: quick, accurate destination selection from full UK and NL postcodes, Easy access to traffic information: via optional accessory TomTom RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver or a subscription to TomTom Traffic, Crystal clear 3D or 2D graphics for perfect viewing day and night, Clear spoken instructions in in your own language (36 languages to choose from and 55 different voices available), Ready for TomTom PLUS services, Includes TomTom HOME software - the essential tool to keep your TomTom up to date, Millions of Points of Interest pre-installed such as hotels, restaurants, petrol stations, museums etc.

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