NetApplications has released data for October so it’s time to dig through the trends:
  • IE market share continues the slow market share erosion, down to 71.27% (down from 71.52% in September, and 78.36% a year ago).
  • Overall IE7 made small gains while IE6 slipped.
  • Firefox market share up to its highest level, 19.97% (up from 19.46% in September, and 14.87% a year ago).
  • Opera up to its highest level, 0.75% (up from 0.69% in September, an 0.58% a year ago).
  • Chrome market share drops to 0.74%, from 0.78 last month.
  • Slight blip in Windows numbers, to 90.46% (up slightly from 90.29% last month, and down from 92.49% a year ago).
  • Vista continues to slowly grab market share from XP, up to 19.29% (up from 18.33% last month, and 7.94% a year ago).
  • Mac share slips slightly to 8.21% (down from 8.26% a month ago, and 6.58% a year ago).
  • Big slip for Linux this month, down to 0.71% (down from 0.91% a month ago, and up from 0.50% a year ago).
  • Small gain for iPhone, to 0.33% (up from 0.32% a month ago, and up from 0.07% a year ago).

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